So, baby Avi is about to hit 6 months old, and it's time to start feeding her "solid" food. At the grocery store last week I was perusing the baby section, and got her a couple of little spoons and some cereal. There were two options for starting: oat based or rice based cereal. Both had about the same nutritional value, so I decided on the oat based one simply because I personally prefer the taste of oats to rice. (Never been a huge fan of rice). For second step foods there were different flavours; most of them were rice based, and I'm sure we'll end up getting those too at some point.
So proud of my little sweetie pea; today she ate the whole bowl of food! Yesterday we tried some and she wasn't very interested. I mixed the cereal powder with just water, as per the directions on the box, and I think it was just too different for her; she didn't recognize that it was food. So today I used some formula to mix it instead, and sure enough, she ate it all. I was very surprised. It was a small amount, only about 3 tablespoons total, but she kept looking at me and opening her mouth and then eating the food when I spooned it in for her. I think we'll keep mixing the cereal with formula for a few days while she gets the hang of it before we switch back to making it with water.
I'm really excited. She's going to get so many new taste and texture experiences over the next few months as we try different foods. Food is such an integral part of our lives, and really, she's just starting to be introduced to it. Formula is all we'll and good, but it's pretty much strictly for nourishment. Food has other joys. She'll get to discover what she likes and what she doesn't, try all kinds of new things...So exciting! I'm almost jealous.
I'm sure we'll have plenty of times where I miss when she was just drinking formula, after the novelty wears off and we end up with mashed banana everywhere and strained peas in my hair, but for now I'm so glad for my baby that she gets this new experience.
Best wishes!
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